Thursday, December 14, 2017

*Day 14 - Recap and Rest*

Today, Recap and Rest

This week we learned more lessons from sheep and shepherd references in the Bible.

We heard two stories about Moses that taught us about how God still calls and equips imperfect people like you and me. We also learned how we can still trust God when we have a hard time understanding and trusting him. (Days 8-9)

We learned about how David defeated a giant and how we too can overcome the obstacles in our lives with the help of God. (Day 10)

Jesus told a story about how one day we will all be separated like sheep and goats. We learned when we do things for others, it's like doing them for Jesus. We also thought of one thing we could do for somebody else, and did it. (Day 11)

In the parable of the lost sheep we learned that we can always return to God because he will be there. He always welcomes us back when we wander away from him. (Day 12)

We read a beautiful Psalm about how much God does for us, made a list of all the things we are thankful for, and thanked God for them. (Day 13)

We have grown so much this week in our faith. We know that God is always there for us and that no matter how far we stray from him, he is always waiting. We're not perfect, but God can use us anyways. Even if we have a hard time understanding God, we can always trust him, because God wants the best for us, rescues us when we need help and forgives us when we don’t always do what is right.

Today, think about which of this week’s devotions helped you the most, or puzzled you the most, and go back and re-read those scriptures. Are you most glad that God uses us in our imperfections? Are you still having a hard time understanding and trusting God? Do you need some encouragement in overcoming what you are going through? Are you doing things for the people around you? Are you most grateful that God always accepts us back when we wander away from him? Did God rescue you from troubles in your life this week?

“Thank you god for being our Great Shepherd. Thank you for always welcoming us back to you with open arms, thank you for all you do for us, and thank you for providing everything we need. This week, continue to help me to be a better person, and help me when I need rescuing. Only you can change my heart and pull me out of difficult circumstances. You see everything I do and you still love me. Thank you for being a good God, and our Great Shepherd. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!”

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