Friday, December 8, 2017

*Day 9 - Moses Part 2*

Today's story is about a hero shepherd - Moses

Yesterday we learned about Moses and how he felt inadequate to lead his people, the Hebrews, out of Egypt. After God showed Moses that he wouldn't be alone,  Moses and Aaron went to Egypt to deliver the Hebrews out of Slavery. They pleaded with Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go, but as God predicted, Pharaoh didn’t want to let them leave. So God sent 10 devastating plagues on Egypt until Pharaoh finally let them go! Moses was a hero!!!

Unfortunately, their celebrating wouldn't last very long. When the Hebrews reached the Red Sea, pharaoh changed his mind about letting them go, and he sent his armies to bring them back. But God made a way for the Hebrews to escape:

21 Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. 22 And the people of Israel went into the midst of the sea on dry ground, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left. 23 The Egyptians pursued and went in after them into the midst of the sea, all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen...

26 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the sea, that the water may come back upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and upon their horsemen.” 27 So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to its normal course when the morning appeared. And as the Egyptians fled into it, the Lord threw the Egyptians into the midst of the sea. 28 The waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen; of all the host of Pharaoh that had followed them into the sea, not one of them remained. 29 But the people of Israel walked on dry ground through the sea, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.

30 Thus the Lord saved Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore. 31 Israel saw the great power that the Lord used against the Egyptians, so the people feared the Lord, and they believed in the Lord and in his servant Moses.

This miracle was mind-blowing, but it was only the first of many miracles to come. The Hebrews would wander in the wilderness for 40 years after this, but God would provide miracles for them all the time. God parted the sea for them, provided drinking water from rocks, and protected them in wars, but sometimes the Hebrews still had a hard time trusting God.

Do you sometimes find it hard to believe in God? Do you question why he does the things he does? The Hebrews saw signs and wonders and had a hard time too. Don't feel bad if you have unanswered questions. Everyone asks questions about God at some point... even people who have seen him do incredible miracles.

But God doesn't expect us to know everything. He just wants us to have faith and believe. If you are struggling in this area, read your Bible and see what God says about himself. Talk to a pastor or someone who is Biblically sound to help you work through your questions. God loves you like he loves the Hebrews. He already knows everything about you, so don't be afraid to seek him and ask him to reveal himself to you through prayer and Scripture. He is an amazing God and loves you.

God, sometimes you're hard to understand. We can't see you or touch you. You don't speak to us in an audible voice. We want to be honest with you, God. You already know our hearts anyways. When we find it hard to trust you or believe in you, help us to go to your Word. You reveal yourself to us through Scripture. You speak to us in a still small voice. You are not a God that is dead, you are very much alive and at work in the world today. Help us in our unbelief and show us who you are. Help us to love you as you love us. We want to trust you and have faith. Show us who you are so we trust you more. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

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